NYC Scaffolding Accidents Raises Questions about Worker Safety

Earlier this month a construction worker fell to his death at the Dream Hotel. According to FDNY, the death occurred in the early afternoon at 55th & Broadway and it is currently being treated as an accident. An experienced New York personal injury attorney can answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding your case.

Less than two weeks later, and only twenty-two blocks south of the Dream Hotel tragedy, another incident occurred in which a worker fell thirteen stories to his death.  The unfortunate man landed atop a sidewalk shed below where workers were completing façade restoration work.  A source of growing concern, the construction site has been discovered to contain over three-dozen violations.  According to the Department of Buildings, violations include:

-failure to safeguard persons or property;

-failure to report an accident;

-no record of daily inspection of suspended scaffold;

-work not in conformity with approved plans;

-failure to provide approved plans;

-failure to provide guardrails; and

-failure to provide protection.

Worst of all, officials have said that the deceased was not wearing a harness at the time of the deadly fall.  A full stop work order has been issued by the City of New York at the site.

Work Fatalities: The Big Picture

According to theU.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics, a preliminary total of 4,383 fatal work injuries were recorded in the U.S. in 2012.  Key findings from the 2012 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries include:

-Deadly private construction work injuries increased five percent in 2011.

-There were some racial differences. The most serious work injuries declined among non-Hispanic white workers and Hispanic or Latino workers, while fatal work injuries increased for other ethnic groups.

-Shockingly, deadly work injuries doubled for those less than sixteen years of age.

Types of Fatal Occupational Injuries

Deadly falls are but one type of fatal occupational injury, and represent 15% of those occurring in 2012.  Others include:

-Roadway incidents (24%)

-Other transportation incidents (17%)

-Homicides (11%)

-Struck by object or equipment (12%)

-Exposure to harmful substances or environments (7%)

-Fires and explosions (3%)

Types of Non-Fatal Occupational Injuries

Even when a construction fall does not result in death, it can still cause broken bones, cuts, head injuries, and more.  Scaffolds, ladders, roofs, cranes, and elevator shafts all pose dangers to workers.  Safety is paramount, and in its absence, companies are responsible when they fail in their duty to provide adequate safeguards and preventive measures.

Taking Action with a New York Accident Attorney

Contact the Law Offices of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum right away if you or a loved one has been injured in a construction accident.  Depending on the facts of your case, you may be able to bring a personal injury claim to recover damages for your injuries, pain and suffering, lost wages, and more.  For a free consultation with a skilled Brooklyn construction accident attorney, call (718) 237-5586.