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Brain Injuries From Car Accidents

Car accidents can cause a host of injuries, depending on the impact involved. Some victims suffer lacerations, broken bones and neck injuries such as whiplash. Head injuries are also common. In fact, motor vehicle accidents are the third most common cause of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs).

Brain injuries are no laughing matter. While most (75 percent) are minor, others are moderate to severe in nature. Some can even affect a person for the rest of their life. Read on to learn more about the different types of brain injuries and the effects they have on the human body.

Types of Brain Injuries

The most common type of brain injury is a concussion. A concussion causes the brain to move around, causing damaged nerves. Concussions are often mild in nature, but can still take years to heal in some cases.

A contusion occurs when something directly hits the head. It involves bleeding on the brain, which can lead to blood clots and bruises.

Car accidents often cause diffuse axonal injuries. These occur when the head is shaken or rotated. With these types of injuries, brain structures tend to tear, causing brain chemicals to release. This disrupts the brain’s normal processes and can cause temporary or permanent damage to the brain. It may also lead to coma and death.

Depending on the force and impact involved in a car accident, it’s possible that a penetration injury could occur. This occurs when a sharp object enters the brain. This could be caused by, for example, pieces of glass from a shattered windshield penetrating the brain. However, most penetration injuries are caused by gunshot wounds.

Effects of Brain Injuries

Brain injuries can cause myriad effects on the human body. These effects can last months, years or even the rest of a person’s life.

Cognitive issues are common. Patients often have memory issues and difficulty with concentration. Many are unable to recognize common people and things. Slurred speech is also common.

Mood and behavioral issues may also occur after a TBI. A person may feel increased anger and anxiety. They may laugh and cry at inappropriate times. They may also feel aggressive and irritable.

Sensory issues are also common. Patients tend to experience ringing in the ears, sensitivity to light and sound, and loss of smell.

TBIs can also cause physical ailments such as headaches, blackouts, balance issues, dilated pupils, stiff muscles, nausea, and seizures. TBIs tend to lead to an increased risk of developing conditions such as epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and other brain disorders.

Get Legal Help from a Brooklyn Brain Injury Lawyer

Brain injuries are often serious, causing long-term and even lifelong complications. The brain controls the entire body, so a person can struggle with physical and mental issues as a result.

Brain injuries can cost millions of dollars to treat. If you suffered a brain injury from a car accident, it’s important that you seek legal help. The Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum is a brain injury attorney who can help determine your rights to compensation. Call our Brooklyn office at (718) 237-5586 for a consultation.