A tragic accident occurred in the Upper West Side last month on a quiet Sunday morning, according to a recent Online news report . A portion of a terracotta window at the Esplanade, a senior citizens’ resident on West End Avenue at 74th Street, plummeted eight stories onto a two-year-old and her grandmother who were on a morning stroll. The debris hit the toddler, Greta Green, on the head and caused a severe and fatal brain injury. The grandmother, 60-year-old Susan Frierson, suffered a serious leg injury but survived the incident. If you or someone you love has suffered a brain injury, it is important to contact a skilled brain injury attorney Bronx residents can retain in order to ensure you receive just compensation for your damages and/or lost.
What is Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)?
A traumatic brain injury, commonly referred to as “TBI” is an injury to the head that disrupts the normal function of the brain. This may occur by way of a jolt, bump, blow or a penetrating head injury. When an outside force impacts the head causing the brain to move within the skull, but does not break or move the skull, it is considered a closed head injury. If the outside force does cause the skull to break or move out of place, it is called an open head injury.
Not all head injuries result in a TBI. Moreover, the severity of a TBI varies from mild to severe. A mild TBI may result in minor symptoms such as some memory loss, difficulty concentrating or paying attention, loss of balance or dizziness, as well as fatigue and headaches. On the other hand, a moderate TBI may also include more obvious symptoms such as confusion, delayed speed of processing, problems reading and writing and slurred speech. Finally, severe cases of TBI can result in both physical and cognitive deficits. Victims may have difficulty with memory, sensory processing, attention, language processing, vision, hearing, and tasting issues as well as possible seizures.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 2.5 million emergency room visits, hospitalizations or deaths were a result – at least, in part – of a TBI. Unintentional blunt trauma, such as the fatal Upper West Side tragedy, was the second leading cause of these injuries between the years of 2006 and 2010. Approximately 10,000 children are hospitalized each year with brain injuries.
Brain Injury Attorney: Bronx
Brain injuries can be complicated and, unfortunately, sometimes result in death. Find yourself one of the most dedicated and aggressive brain injury attorney Bronx community has available. The skilled legal professionals at the Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum will fight for compensation you may be entitled to including past and future lost wages, current and future medical costs, as well as pain and suffering. Call (718) 237-5586 today for a free, initial case evaluation.