Driving in Brooklyn can be frustrating. Many of us commute into or through other boroughs, Long Island, or into New Jersey every day for work. Even on a good day, the traffic can be challenging, and when accidents or construction cause traffic backups, a commute can seem downright oppressive.
When tensions rise, drivers are more likely to act in aggressive, dangerous ways. This creates an atmosphere where car accidents are more likely to occur, putting all parties on the road at a greater risk of being injured.
Road Rage and Rush Hour Traffic Can Lead to Accidents and Injuries
Road rage is a leading cause of traffic accidents in the United States and by extension, a prominent cause of injuries and fatalities. This is because anger causes drivers to behave in irrational, unsafe ways. Road rage can also be contagious, creating situations where multiple drivers make irresponsible, unsafe choices, creating chaos on the roadway.
Road rage can manifest in the following ways:
- Speeding
- Cutting other drivers off
- Ignoring right-of-way laws
- Failing to signal when changing lanes or turning
- Braking suddenly
- Tailgating
- Honking loudly or aggressively, startling other drivers
- Behaving in a passive-aggressive way, such as accelerating at a deliberately slow pace
- “Trapping” other drivers in travel lanes as a reaction to others’ aggression
Strategies to Stay Calm in Traffic
The best way to handle an aggressive driver on the road is to consciously choose not to engage with him or her. Although it can be tempting to “flip the bird,” make a face or otherwise express your disapproval of the other driver’s behavior, it is in your best interest to simply focus on the road and getting yourself to your destination safely.
Practice mindfulness when you are driving. This will help you combat anxiety and focus on all the issues present in your commute.
Another way to reduce your anxiety is to eliminate its causes. If you often find yourself stressed about making it to work on time, leave 15 minutes earlier than you need to leave to give yourself a time buffer. Listen to calming music, audiobooks, or talk shows while driving, rather than aggressive music or provocative talk radio.
Make your time in the car a time to collect and explore your thoughts. Brainstorm ways to be successful at work and on your commute home, think about ways you will relax and enjoy yourself after hours. Do not eat or talk on the phone while you are driving. These are distractions that can increase your risk of being involved in an accident. Focus on the road and the most important task at hand: driving safely to your destination.
Work with an Experienced Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyer
To get started with an experienced car accident lawyer in Brooklyn, contact The Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum to schedule your initial legal consultation in our office. Do this only after you have received appropriate medical care for your injury. During your consultation, Mr. Kestenbaum can answer any questions you have and determine the right way for you to proceed with your personal injury claim.
Fill out our online form today to schedule your free case consultation or call 718-237-5586.