How a good Brooklyn personal injury lawyer protects you from being taken advantage of by insurance company lawyers

Posted on May 29, 2013 by

What is the value of your personal injury claim? You’ll be surprised how the amount varies depending on your particular circumstances and on who you ask. Insurance company representatives and lawyers are known for reducing or denying the value of your claim. These lawyers are not on your side. Understandably, they’re working for insurance companies that would rather not pay or  pay you less than what your claim’s worth. This is where a good Brooklyn personal injury lawyer like Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum comes in. He can expertly represent you. Mr. Kestenbaum is experienced in protecting the rights of the injured and dealing with insurance companies.

Mr. Kestenbaum will protect you from being taken advantage of by the defendents insurance company lawyers. Here’s how you can benefit from retaining him. Remember, his services are free unless he recovers money for you. Continue reading

How to make sure you get the full compensation you are entitled to if you are injured in Brooklyn

Posted on May 23, 2013 by

Getting the justice you deserve when you or a loved one is injured also means getting the full compensation you’re entitled to. The question is, how do you win your lawsuit? It all comes down to these factors: the extent of your injuries (damages), the liability or responsibility of the defendant (person, business or municipality) in your case and having a diligent and experienced personal injury lawyer on your side like Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum.

Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer

Will you get full and fair compensation, enough to pay for the medical costs and the lifelong financial , physical & emotional consequences of your injury (pain and suffering)? Or will you settle for an amount that’s not even enough to cover the needs of your family or compensate for your loss of earnings? Of course, you deserve the first. That’s only possible by working with a competent Brooklyn personal injury lawyer who’s willing to fight for your rights. Continue reading

Fatal Construction Accidents tripled last year

Posted on May 6, 2013 by

Construction work can be a dangerous job when safety regulations are not rigorously followed. Sadly this seems to be exactly what happens in the NYC metro area as fatal construction accidents rose 61% in 2012. With the fast pace of construction jobs after the economic slow-down and damage from Hurricane Sandy , there is a tremendous amount of construction work to be done and much of it is being rushed. If you or a loved one has been injured on a construction  job or work site, don’t  hesitate to call Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum, an experienced  Brooklyn construction accident lawyer about your case.

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3 Things You May Not Know About A Brooklyn Car Accident Lawyer

Posted on April 30, 2013 by

For some reason people treat auto accidents differently than they do accidents at a business or work site. Most Americans are fine just exchanging insurance information and not pursuing the matter unless there was obvious negligence involved. Worse is many do  not feel the need to get legal advice due to not wanting to be perceived as trying to make a quick buck from an accident. However here are 3 things you may not know about what a Brooklyn car accident lawyer can do for you. Continue reading

How accident attorneys in Brooklyn help you to get financial compensation

Posted on April 15, 2013 by

Accident Attorney in Brooklyn

The time after an accident can be a very stressful for you and your family. Depending on the severity of the injuries involved, you may be out of work for a long time meaning a loss of income as well as transportation in cases of auto accidents. While insurance or workmen’s compensation will pay some of the bills, there are a host of other costs associated with an accident which invariably fall on the victim. So if you or a loved one has been involved in an accident, it pays to consult with an accident attorney Brooklyn has come to trust: Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum. Continue reading

Looking for an Accident Attorney in Brooklyn? Contact Jeffrey K Kestenbaum

Posted on April 9, 2013 by

New York, the city that never sleeps, is filled with activity. Tourists, business people, and average citizens just living their lives fill the streets, shops and sidewalks. All of this activity means the Big Apple can be a dangerous place. Not from the crime we see on television but just from the normal accidents found in daily life. Whether these accidents are auto collisions on the street, a machine accident at the workplace or tripping on slippery floors at a store, restaurant or the mall, all end up costing you time, money and pain. So if you find yourself in the hospital wondering how this happened to you and how you are going to provide for your family and pay your medical bills, be sure to call the accident attorney injured persons in Brooklyn have come to trust: Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum! Continue reading

Experienced Car Accident attorney Brooklyn: Jeffrey K Kestenbaum

Posted on April 8, 2013 by

Americans love to drive. Sadly this love of the road ends up with fatal results. Auto accidents are the fourth leading cause of death in adults in 2011. If after an accident, you find yourself wondering why this happened to you; know that 2.5 million Americans are injured in auto accidents every year. Unfortunately while insurance may cover some of the bills caused by a auto accident it may not cover lost wages, all physical therapy and the general disruption to your life. So if you or a loved one have been involved in a serious auto accident, be sure to call the Brooklyn car accident lawyer who is dedicated to aggressively representing your case in court: Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum! Continue reading

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