Rear end collision of two cars.

Auto Accidents Caused by Negligent Car Maintenance

As you know, speeding and text messaging while driving are types of driver negligence that can put the driver and others on the road at risk of being injured in an accident. These types of negligence are often mentioned in discussions about car accidents, but they are not the only types of negligence that can lead to car accidents. Vehicle owners have the responsibility to safely maintain their vehicles. When a car owner fails to do this, he or she becomes more likely to cause an accident and potentially injure another motorist, a passenger, a bicyclist, or a pedestrian.

Preventable Vehicle Hazards

An important part of vehicle maintenance is complying with any safety recalls that are issued for one’s vehicle. When a vehicle manufacturer finds that one or more of its products contain a faulty or possibly defective part, it must issue a recall so owners of that product can have the part repaired or replaced. Failure to do this can cause a dangerous vehicle malfunction.

Accidents can also be reduced through routine vehicle maintenance. A few examples of issues that can occur because of a vehicle owner’s failure to maintain or service his or her vehicle include:

  • Rusted parts falling off the vehicle and creating hazards in the roadway. When a vehicle’s body rusts, the owner should remove the rust and secure any compromised body components;
  • Wear on the steering system and a lack of power steering If steering system in a vehicle fails or if there is not a sufficient level of steering fluid, it can be very difficult for the driver to maintain control of the vehicle. In some cases, he or she might completely lose control of the vehicle;
  • Brake failure. Brake pads wear down over time and must be replaced. When brake pads are too thin or nonexistent, it can take much harder braking to bring a vehicle to a complete stop; and
  • Issues with the defroster system. A vehicle’s defroster makes it possible for the windshield to become clear on cold days. If this system does not work, the driver’s vision may be compromised.

Who’s Liable for Damages when Poor Maintenance Causes an Accident?

In most cases, a vehicle owner is liable for any damages that occur because of his or her poor vehicle maintenance record. However, there are cases where poor maintenance can be the fault of the vehicle’s mechanic. If a vehicle malfunction is found to have occurred because of negligence on the part of the mechanic who last serviced the vehicle, the mechanic may be liable for the victim’s resulting damages.

Work with an Experienced Brooklyn Accident Lawyer

If you have been injured in a car accident because of another party’s negligence, you are entitled to seek compensation for your damages through a personal injury claim. To learn more about your rights and this process, contact the Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum at 718-237-5586 to set up your initial consultation in our office. During your consultation, you can look at the details of your case with an experienced automobile accident lawyer to determine the most productive way for you to proceed with your claim.