Woman looking at products on a shelf at a pharmacy

How to Handle a Rite Aid Slip and Fall Accident in NYC

Rite Aid stores in NYC offer pharmacies, wellness clinics, groceries, personal care items, and beauty products with convenient locations throughout the city. When you stop at a Rite Aid, the last thing on your mind is getting hurt while walking through the aisles and doing your shopping. However, Rite Aid slip and fall accidents are more common than you might think, and the injuries they cause can be worse than you might expect as well.

If you or someone you care about has fallen in a Rite Aid store and suffered injuries, here’s what you need to know about pursuing a case and hiring a Rite Aid slip and fall attorney.

Causes of Rite Aid Accidents

The good news is that slip and fall accidents in Rite Aids are almost always preventable. However, there are many potential hazards that put customers at risk if company safety protocols are not followed and if employees are not doing what’s best for their customers.

Torn carpeting, wet floors, misplaced floor mats, and items left out in the middle of aisles can cause tripping hazards. The ever-changing NYC weather can make conditions even more dangerous inside of Rite Aid stores and also right outside of them on sidewalks and doorways.

Injuries Suffered by Rite Aid Customers

Most of the time, slip and fall accidents at Rite Aids are minor and result in little more than a little shock and embarrassment. But occasionally, these types of accidents can be very severe when a person falls in just the wrong type of way.

Hip fractures, broken wrists, and back injuries are common after a Rite Aid fall. It is also very possible to hit your head when you fall and get a concussion, brain trauma, or spinal cord injury after what seems to be just a minor fall initially.

What to Do After You Fall in a Rite Aid

After you fall in a Rite Aid, it is important to speak with a manager and file an incident report at the store. For evidence purposes, you will want to take photos of the accident scene and also of your injuries. If possible, get the contact information from witnesses in the store who saw you fall, and write down the names of store employees that you spoke to after your accident.

As soon as possible, seek medical attention for your injuries by going to an emergency room or making an appointment with a health professional that you trust. Another important step in the process is to contact an experienced local NYC attorney who knows how to handle Rite Aid injury cases and pursue slip and fall settlements against this type of major corporation.

The Importance of Hiring a Rite Aid Slip and Fall Attorney

A Rite Aid slip and fall attorney will investigate and build your case with evidence to prove the duty of care doctrine. At the Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum, we will review evidence from various sources, including store safety records, videos, photos, eyewitness interviews, medical records, wage statements, and the accident report. If necessary, we will also obtain opinions and assess all of the ways that your slip and fall has affected your life to bring Rite Aid to justice.

For more information about pursuing a case against Rite Aid, please contact us online or at 718-237-5586.