New York parents take their kids to the local playgrounds to release pent-up energy and play with friends. Unfortunately, what is supposed to be a fun day sometimes ends up as a scary visit to the emergency room.
Playgrounds are often the scene of childhood accidents such as slip and fall injuries. Falls are the leading cause of injuries among children. Children can fall off slides and other equipment, causing head trauma and other serious injuries.
Depending on how the accident occurred, your child could be at fault for his or her injuries. If this is the case, then you likely would not be able to recover compensation. However, if a third party caused your child’s injuries, then you have a possible lawsuit. Learn more about common playground dangers and what you can do if your child is injured.
Dangers of Playgrounds in New York City
Playgrounds should be some of the safest spaces in New York City as they are constructed with the safety of kids in mind but unfortunately accidents on NYC playgrounds are all too common. From 2005 to 2014 alone playground-related claims have risen more than 53 percent. Believe it or not, it’s not the older playgrounds that are causing all the problems.
The two most dangerous parks in New York are Evelyn’s Playground and Slope Park. Evelyn’s Playground in Union Square Park is a top-of-the-line playground, but 11 children and one parent have been injured there so far. Slope Park in Brooklyn reopened in 2013 after a renovation. Seven children fractured their legs on a swing there just months later.
Since 2010, New York City has paid out $20 million in settlements to families of children injured on playgrounds. In one case, a 7-year-old’s finger was sheared off as she slid down a slide. Her family received $750,000, the largest playground-related settlement paid by the Parks Department in the last five years. This was just one of a whopping 530 settlements from more than 400 different parks in the New York City area during that same time frame
Determining Liability in Playground Accidents
In many cases, a third party is to blame for playground accidents. If another child pushed your child off a slide and your child suffered a broken arm as a result, the other child’s parents could be held liable.
As noted above, poor maintenance is the cause of playground injuries. The city has a duty to maintain the park and fix any issues that can cause injury to guests. If a dangerous condition exists and is not fixed promptly, the city can be held liable for acting negligently.
Get Legal Help from a Brooklyn Slip and Fall Lawyer
A slip and fall at a park or playground can cause serious injuries to your child. Broken bones, head trauma and back injuries are just some of the medical issues you may need to deal with. Make sure you get the compensation you deserve to pay for damages. Call the Law Office of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum at (718) 237-5586 to set up a consultation with an experienced premises liability lawyer.