Tag Archives: Premise Liability Law

Deadly Legionnaires Disease Leaves 12 Dead in NYC

Posted on August 14, 2015 by

personal injury attorney in brooklyn Legionnaires

An outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in the South Bronx has left a dozen dead since the pandemic began in July, according to a recent USA Today news report. Mayor Bill De Blasio claimed the plague was on the decline, particularly since no new cases had been recorded. More than 100 total cases of Legionnaires’ disease were reported, with over 75 people hospitalized but released. City health authorities reported all of the deaths in the South Bronx were of people with preexisting health conditions. If you or someone you know was recently injured due to the fault of another, contact a knowledgeable Brooklyn personal injury attorney immediately to preserve your rights under the law. Continue reading

Luxury Condominium One57 Stop-Work Issued

Posted on March 24, 2015 by

Front view of an apartment building.

For the third time in less than a year, a glass panel has fallen from the One57 Luxury Condominium building, hitting two parked cars. This piece was reportedly the size of a kitchen table. It fell from the 22nd floor of the 90 story luxury building. It resulted in a partial stop work which was ordered by the City and remained in place until the developer could demonstrate that removal of the temporary plexiglass installations would not cause further danger.

No reports of injuries or deaths have resulted from any of the falling plexiglass incidents. After three occurrences in a year though, it is only a matter of time. That’s why the stop work order was put in place.

The Developers/Owners of One57 & Premise Liability Laws Continue reading