Category Archives: Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer

New York Construction Sites Pose Dangers From Above

Posted on April 23, 2015 by

Construction sites can Building with construction being done to it. pose significant dangers for construction workers, especially when adequate safety precautions are not taken. There is, however, another group that also faces dangers from construction sites: pedestrians. A recent online article in the Wall Street Journal looked into the dangers that pedestrians throughout New York City face from construction sites.

According to the article, at least once a month, a pedestrian walking the streets of New York City is injured by something at a construction site. The culprit? New York City pedestrians are injured by a variety of different objects that fall from a construction site or that are improperly maintained. Examples include falling bricks or tools, windblown fences, and collapsing sidewalks. Continue reading

5 Immediate Things to do After You Have Been Injured

Posted on September 22, 2014 by

Men grasping his shoulder.

Whether you suffer an injury playing a recreational sport or working on a job, the initial shock of getting hurt is never enjoyable. A rush of emotions runs through your head, not the least of which being the cost of the injury in terms of dollars and lost work or social productivity that is associated with recovery time. Unlike defense in football, the best defense to an injury is prevention. Accordingly, the New York injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum are here to provide you with five quick tips to help get you on the road to recovery immediately after suffering an injury. The tips are known as the P.R.I.C.E injury protocol, and following steps comprise a tried and true method to avoid aggravation.

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Brain Injuries Too Serious to Escape Detection

Posted on July 28, 2014 by

No matter the cause, brain injuries are scary due to their complex character. Further, these types of injuries occur from a vast variety of accidents. Brain injuries also lead to devastating and catastrophic results that can leave victims incapable of working, relaxing, and doing the things they love (such as playing or socializing). They can also lead to significant medical bills and missed time at work or school. And what’s worse is that the signs and symptoms of a brain injury are not always readily apparent, which is what makes these types of injuries so frightening.

If you suspect that you or someone you love has suffered a traumatic brain injury, do not hesitate to seek immediate medical attention. A trained medical professional will evaluate your situation and prescribe the type of care necessary to rehabilitate the injury. However, if you suspect that a doctor or medical professional has made a mistake or failed to use reasonable care in treating you or your loved one’s brain injury, do not hesitate to contact a New York Brain Injury Attorney to help evaluate your case.

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$15 Million Lawsuit Filed Against Citi Bike

Posted on March 7, 2014 by

New York City has several techniques in place to encourage people to commute via bicycle in order to reduce the strain on traffic clogged streets. According to the New York City Department of Transportation, these efforts have led to an average of 45,300 people utilizing their bikes as opposed to other commuting options during the summer months. Unfortunately, a rise in cyclists also means increased injuries, including the more than 4,200 people who were hurt on a bike in 2012. A recent lawsuit that has been filed by Ronald Corwin alleges that he was the victim of one of these injuries, and he is blaming the city and Citi Bike for the fact that he is now suffering from a permanent case of traumatic nerve palsy.

NYC Citi Bike Bicycle Rack

If you’ve been the victim of a bicycle accident, in which someone else’s recklessness or negligence may be responsible for your injuries, speak with a New York Personal Injury Lawyer, as you may be eligible to receive compensation.

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Premium Deceit

Posted on February 20, 2014 by

In the 1990’s there was a strong push for “tort reform” in response to very high rates of insurance for businesses, medical professionals and other professional practices that require some form of liability insurance. Not only were these rates very high, but policies held by businesses that were deemed as insurance risks were being cancelled suddenly and without much cause. This was considered a crisis, and tort law reformers believed that a legal solution could be sought. In fact this was really motivated by insurance companies and Republican politicians who rely on these companies for a part of their campaign funding. Many republicans are also supported by industries frequently sued in personal injury cases: doctors, pharmaceutical companies, transportation companies, etc. In reality, injured persons are the people who suffer when a limit on damages has been instituted as they cannot recover the full amount necessary to pay their medical bills and financial losses. Contacting an experienced Personal Injury Attorney in Brooklyn can clear up any questions or concerns you might have about premium deceit and the options you may have.

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New York Doctors Sue United Healthcare for being unfairly dropped due to “ObamaCare”

Posted on January 24, 2014 by

There has been much speculation about how “ The Affordable Care Act” or “ObamaCare”, as it is known generally by its critics, will affect the quality of health care provided to patients in the coming years. According to some, the increased number of patients will strain already overburdened health care providers and hospitals. Others, like the American Medical Association, say that it will not create more patients, just extend coverage to those patients who did not have it before.

One consequence is that some medical insurance companies are trying to limit their potential exposure to claims by eliminating doctors from their coverage. An experienced Brooklyn personal injury attorney can help with taking the necessary legal steps in order to get compensation for the injuries sustained in the accident.

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4 Year Old Girl’s Death May Have Been Caused By Dispatcher Cell Phone Use

Posted on January 20, 2014 by

A four-minute delay in an ambulance being dispatched to the scene of an accident involving a four-year old girl may have cost the little girl her life. This is according to a report issued by the New York City Department of Investigation on December 19, 2013. This is not the first tragic consequence of the NYC Emergency Dispatch Center’s slow response to an emergency call. However this one is particularly egregious as it could have been avoided if the Emergency Service operator had been doing her job instead of using her cell phone. Equally bad is that an EMS lieutenant seated next to the operator failed to notice the call on the computer screen because he “was doing paper work”. Hiring a knowledgeable Brooklyn personal injury attorney will not only help you through the legal steps but will also give you peace of mind knowing you are in experienced hands.

The DOI found that on June 4, 2013, a teen driver with no license was attempting to elude police in an SUV. At the intersection of 97th Street and Amsterdam Avenue, the teen struck the girl and her grandmother. A request for an ambulance dispatch was made immediately, but it took the Manhattan EMS Medical Dispatch Center four minutes to respond. It then took the ambulance another four minutes to reach the scene. The little girl succumbed to her injuries shortly after being transported to St. Luke’s Hospital.

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How a good Brooklyn personal injury lawyer protects you from being taken advantage of by insurance company lawyers

Posted on May 29, 2013 by

What is the value of your personal injury claim? You’ll be surprised how the amount varies depending on your particular circumstances and on who you ask. Insurance company representatives and lawyers are known for reducing or denying the value of your claim. These lawyers are not on your side. Understandably, they’re working for insurance companies that would rather not pay or  pay you less than what your claim’s worth. This is where a good Brooklyn personal injury lawyer like Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum comes in. He can expertly represent you. Mr. Kestenbaum is experienced in protecting the rights of the injured and dealing with insurance companies.

Mr. Kestenbaum will protect you from being taken advantage of by the defendents insurance company lawyers. Here’s how you can benefit from retaining him. Remember, his services are free unless he recovers money for you. Continue reading

How to make sure you get the full compensation you are entitled to if you are injured in Brooklyn

Posted on May 23, 2013 by

Getting the justice you deserve when you or a loved one is injured also means getting the full compensation you’re entitled to. The question is, how do you win your lawsuit? It all comes down to these factors: the extent of your injuries (damages), the liability or responsibility of the defendant (person, business or municipality) in your case and having a diligent and experienced personal injury lawyer on your side like Jeffrey K. Kestenbaum.

Brooklyn Personal Injury Lawyer

Will you get full and fair compensation, enough to pay for the medical costs and the lifelong financial , physical & emotional consequences of your injury (pain and suffering)? Or will you settle for an amount that’s not even enough to cover the needs of your family or compensate for your loss of earnings? Of course, you deserve the first. That’s only possible by working with a competent Brooklyn personal injury lawyer who’s willing to fight for your rights. Continue reading